Hunter’s Heartworm Story

The cost of ten years of year-round flea, tick and heartworm prevention will cost you the SAME amount financially as one year of heartworm treatment.

Hunter, Heartworm Disease Survivor

Hunter’s success story – he was diagnosed with heartworm on March 18th, 2022. Hunter's parents have graciously allowed us to share his case to educate others on the importance of annual 4Dx® blood work to test for heartworm prior to giving your dog Nexgard Spectra®. They would undoubtably confirm that the cost of heartworm treatment is financially difficult, but it takes an even more significant toll emotionally. Heartworm treatment is not only a lengthy and involved process but one that can come with a plethora of side effects, including death if not careful. The treatment requires multiple blood tests, radiographs, medications given by mouth, as well by injection while under sedation, and a prolonged period of complete rest…that’s right, not even out to the bathroom off-leash.

 During Hunter’s treatment, we were very lucky to have worked with both the manufacturer of Nexgard® products, Boehringer Ingelheim, and the rescue from which Hunter was adopted, Adopt-A-Dog/Save-A-Life Inc., who both generously helped Hunter's parents with the unexpected costs of 2022.

Click the link below to review Hunter’s treatment journey. This includes total treatment costs from March 18th, 2022, when he was diagnosed with heartworm disease at his annual exam, to March 28th, 2023, when he had his annual exam and 4Dx® blood work for 2023. We are so happy to report that Hunter’s 4Dx® test was negative for heartworm and tick-borne diseases.

This is why we, and Hunter, encourage and recommend year-round testing and annual blood work for your canine companions. Testing and prevention are far safer and more cost effective than treating heartworm disease. For more information, do not hesitate to reach out to a member of our team today.

